New START treaty
A new nuclear arms reduction treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation is reached.

The previous years of relative prosperity along with theoretical freedom kickstarted the growth of civil society.
The long-lasting 2008’s economical crisis brought a political one – a new-born middle-class started to disagree with the political decisions, taken with no consent.
The growing protest power provoked a reaction – every step a society took would end up in new restrictions. At the same time, the aggressive international course taken in 2008, justified the Crimean annexation, nurturing people’s imperial ambitions, has aggravated the already taken course to isolation. As life shows, the most horrible things happen when nobody can see it.
A new nuclear arms reduction treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation is reached.
The great expectations to build a bridge between Russia and the EU.
With secular ethics option de jure, with orthodox priests spreading the word of God in public schools de facto.
Carousel voting, fraud, massive protest afterwards, and yet, the pro-Putin party stays in power.
Having started right after the legislative elections, it would gather thousands of people staying against the regime.
A punk-band Pussy Riot performed in the main cathedral. They'll end up in jail.
“I promised you we would win. We have won. Glory to Russia!"
The biggest protest in modern Russian history would end up in the large scale repression against Freedom of Assembly.
NGOs, media organisations, and common people who recevie any funding from abroad are scrutinised.
In response to the Magnitsky Act, Russia decided to ban the US citizens from adopting Russian children.
После дела Pussy Riot Россия решает начать защищать религиозные чувства верующих, отправляя людей в тюрьмы.
No more "distorted ideas about the equal social value of traditional and non-traditional sexual relationships".
One of the last independent channels is forced to leave their office.
A celebration of life, not without its controversies.
The biggest liberal Internet media fires the chief editor. They soon would open Meduza.
The return of Crimea, they call it.
The Eastern Ukraine separatists, funded by Russia, shoot down a civil aeroplane.
Unauthorised demonstrations are punishable by a fine or detention of up to 15 days. 5 years, if it is the 3rd breach.
A famous Russian politic, an ex-prime minister, is killed right next to Kremlin. Insignificant, calls him Putin.
Russia decides to support Bashar Asad by military intervention.
United Russia wins a supermajority. Parliament is not a place for discussions, once said the speaker of the State Duma.
Both uranium agreement and nuclear pact with the USA are suspended by Russia.
Mainly concerned with suppressing corruption, the protests gathered thousands of Russians.
Russians make friends with foreigners. Probably, for the last time.
It all started with global isolation. Usually, having a dialogue helps to make a considered decision. However, the regime has been gradually destroying all sorts of opposite views on Russia – be it an internal political opposition, free media, or various international connections.
Externally, from subtle hybrid Georgian/Donetsk intervention, the Putin regime started a real war, ending any dialogue with Ukraine along with the West.
Internally, they closed almost all the independent media and non-commercial organisations that did not play the main tune.
The 20's have just started.
Россия начала войну против Украины. Эта война продолжается с 2014 года. Она только обострилась 24 февраля 2022 года. Страдают миллионы украинцев. Виновные в этом должны предстать перед судом за свои преступления.
Российский режим пытается заставить замолчать либеральные голоса. Россияне, настроенные против войны, существуют, и российский режим всеми силами пытается заставить их замолчать. Мы хотим, чтобы их голоса были услышаны.
Сотрудничество имеет решающее значение. Российские либеральные инициативы порой трудно воспринимаются европейской общественностью. Правовой, социальный и исторический контекст России не всегда понятен. Мы хотим поделиться информацией, навести мосты и соединить либеральную Россию с Западом.
Мы верим в диалог, а не в изоляцию. Оппозиционные силы России не смогут ничего изменить без поддержки демократического мира. Мы также считаем, что диалог должен быть двухсторонним.
Выбор за вами. Гнев, вызванный приступлениями России, понятен. Вам решать, хотите ли вы прислушаться к россиянам, выступающим против войны и режима.